Season of Gratitude

#Teacher2Teacher  |  December 6, 2022
Season of Gratitude

Season of Gratitude

We hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday full of laughter and joy. The staff here at ClassOrbit, wants to extend our gratitude for our loyal educators, students, and community members for all your continued support throughout the years. We cannot put into words the appreciation we have for you all!

As we all know, the holiday season is full of activities, but it is the perfect chance to stay in a season of gratitude. It is a chance to re-energize your body and mind, refocus on personal goals, and reconnect with what matters in your life. Bring the kids and students in your life into the mix by embracing this season of gratitude. Here are some creative ways to stay in a present state of appreciation:

  • Give back. Volunteer, make an extra meal for your neighbor, donate money, pick up litter around the school or neighborhood, or invite someone to sit and eat lunch with you (or your students).
  • Write a letter. Spend some time thinking about what you appreciate most about your friends, teacher, neighbors, parents, etc. and draft a letter by hand, expressing your sentiments.
  • Be present. Oftentimes the gift of presence is the greatest gift we can give our loved ones. Call a friend or loved one out-of-the-blue and actively listen.
  • Get creative. It really is the thought and effort that counts, and oftentimes, homemade gifts mean the most. Make a homemade gift to show someone you appreciate them.
  • Journal. Take the first few moments of each day to write down 1-2 things you (or your students) are grateful for.
  • Share memories and goals. The holidays are all about creating and sharing memories. Sit around with your students, friends, loved ones, etc. and state one favorite memory from the past year.

People who cultivate and consciously participate in gratitude are more patient, make better decisions, develop better relationships and generally feel more positive and optimistic about their lives than those who do not (Emmons & Stern, 2013). Let’s utilize this holiday season as an opportunity to create an abundance mindset.

We are grateful for you all and wish you the very best during this holiday season and season of gratitude!

Marissa Hardy
Executive Director
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