Snoop Dogg Launches THC-infused Take on Funyuns
Snoop Dogg is a busy man. Among other projects, he has his own gin; he has his own wine; and in August, he launched his own breakfast cereal which - everything else aside - was worth it just for the name: Snoop Loopz. He's also involved in the cannabis investment firm Casa Verde, holding the official title of "industry icon" - and back in January, it was announced they had invested in Tsumo Snacks, an edibles startup focused on salty and savory cannabis-infused snacks.
Now, Snoop is putting his "industry icon" status where his mouth is, because not only is Casa Verde invested in Tsumo Snacks, Snoop has also become the official spokesperson for Tsumo's latest product: Snazzle Os, the cannabis industry's answer to Funyuns.
Billed as a THC-infused twist on "the legendary rapper's favorite snack" (for obvious reasons, Tsumo can't officially call it a twist on Funyuns), Snazzle Os are debuting this month in two flavors - Onion and Spicy Onion - both of which capture "the essence of classic snappy onion snacks" while also tossing in 100 milligrams of THC per bag.
"I'm excited to partner with Tsumo Snacks to bring some new snack options to the fans," the legendary rapper stated. "There are plenty of sweet edibles out there, so when I created this product I wanted to put the Dogg twist on it, which is why I'm bringing the savory THC-infused crispy onion-flavored rings to my home state of California. You know that if I'm going to put my name on something, it's guaranteed stamped Snoop D-O-Double-G fresh."
Snazzle Os will first launch exclusively at MedMen dispensary locations across California from October 6 to 20 before expanding to additional partner dispensaries across the state. In the announcement, Tsumo boasts that their concept of shareable bags of salty, THC-infused snacks has been on a bit of a roll, saying that distribution is up 800 percent over the past year since they've launched.
"Teaming up with the iconic Snoop Dogg for this snack collab was something my team and I have been dreaming about," Tsumo co-founder and CEO Caroline Yeh explained. "Snoop aligns perfectly with Tsumo Snacks' values, as he has always been authentic to his true self. And we know our fans love Snoop, too! We jumped on the opportunity to collaborate with him."
Need even more Snoop? Tsumo says their partnership will go beyond just snacks to include social media sweepstakes for items from a limited-edition merchandise line featuring things like a tracksuit, gold chain, socks, and more. Plus, during the Hall of Flowers trade show on October 5 to 6 in Santa Rosa, Tsumo will unveil a "custom snacking throne" signed by Snoop Dogg and set to be auctioned off to benefit Snoop's Special Stars charity, the special needs division of the Snoop Youth Football League.