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Best Practices To Leverage the Power of Innovative Learning

The Tech Edvocate
Best Practices To Leverage the Power of Innovative Learning

Best Practices To Leverage the Power of Innovative Learning

Education is one of the most critical and crucial sectors in our modern-day world. With that being said, teachers and educators should aim to provide their students with the best possible education and resources possible.

In this article, we will be discussing some of the best practices that teachers can use to leverage the power of innovative learning.

Make Use Of Edtech Tools In The Classroom

There are plenty of edtech tools out there that are designed specifically for the classroom. Many teachers enjoy using tools such as smart boards, equity maps, and FlipGrid to create a more innovative learning environment.

Edtech is becoming an increasingly important factor in education. In fact, many educators and schools rely on these products for teaching. More so, students prefer learning with technology instead of sitting at a desk, listening to the teacher talk for an hour or so.

Offer Additional Online Lessons When Necessary

If you wish to make your lessons even more innovative, try offering your students online classes when necessary. For example, if a test or exam is coming up, set aside a day on the weekend or after school to go over the relevant work with your students.

There are a few resources that you can use to supplement these online lessons. Pedagogue is a new and innovative app that allows teachers to conduct online classes with their students. It is a social learning management system that allows instructors to organize and manage their work while providing a central hub for accessing resources and developing content. If you are interested in finding out more about this tool, visit the Pedagogue website.

Make Use Of A Blended Learning Approach

Blended learning refers to the balanced use of technology, online learning tools, and traditional learning methods in the classroom. Many educators worldwide have resorted to this learning approach because of how successful and diverse it is.

Most students do not have a concentration span of more than 20 minutes. This means that if you stand in front of your class for an hour and expect them to absorb every word you say, you are sadly mistaken. The blended learning approach is a great way to combat this problem.

As we have already mentioned, students enjoy using technology. Blended learning is an excellent approach as it ensures that teachers use technology while still balancing out their lessons with traditional teaching practices. If you wish for your lessons to be innovative, blended learning is the way to go.

Concluding Thoughts

There are various practices that teachers can adopt to leverage the power of innovative learning. For starters, educators could use edtech tools and products, such as smart boards and equity maps. They could also offer additional online lessons when a big test or exam is coming up. Teachers should also try to adopt a blended learning approach to ensure a balanced use of technology and traditional learning methods.