Life In The City

Learning Object — Clip
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Clip: Life In The City

Through space limits on Marissa and her pet bird, Kiwi, we see the homes, transportation and activities available to people who live in the city.,Through space limits on Marissa and her pet bird, Kiwi, we see the homes, transportation and activities available to people who live in the city.

Student Application

Find out how our three types of communities-cities, suburbs and rural areas-are different for the people that work, live and play in them.

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will know that a community is a place where people live, work, and play.
  2. Students will be able to identify the three types of communities discussed in the video. A city is a busy community made up of many different neighborhoods. A suburb is a community that surrounds a city. Suburbs tend to be more spacious and have a ...

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Supporting Activities

  1. Where do you live? Before viewing the video, ask the students where they think they live (do they live in a city, suburb, or rural community?). Have them supply reasons why they think the way they do. If the students have trouble, it's O.K. After viewing the video, ask the question again; they should have no problem labeling the type of comm...

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